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Weekly Paasuram Quest

Dear Fellow-Bhagavathas,

The Vedas, Upanishads, Aagamas, Ithihasas, Puranas and Smruthis speak volumes about the greatness and supremacy of Sriman Narayana. However it is a herculean task for people like us to pick them from the vast expanse and even to comprehend their import.

The Lord, therefore, by virtue of His abundant and unqualified compassion for us, decided to make things easier for us. He achieved it through the 12 Azhwars, who are manifestations of varied features of the Lord Himself.

The result is the sacred Naalaayira Divya Prabandham, which is primarily a compilation of the works (24 in number including ‘Iraamaanusa Nootranthaadhi’).

With a view to providing an opportunity for the participants to enrich their experience of these great works and also to initiate the hitherto uninitiated into the Azhwars’ masterpieces, we have been featuring a programme titled ‘Weekly Paasuram Quest’ every Sunday since May 9, 2010.

The concise meaning of a random Paasuram from Divya Prabandham is given, requiring the participants to identify the same. The configuration of Divya Prabandham as established by Swami Desika in his Prabandha Saaram is the basis.

We hope this would provide the visitor/contestant with an ever-growing familiarity with the Azhwars’ works and an immensely rewarding experience.

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Please note:

  1. Concise meaning of one Paasuram (both in English and Tamil) is given in each episode of the ‘Weekly Paasuram Quest’ on Sunday and the participant has to identify and mark the answer using the list boxes given below the meaning.
  2. The last day for receipt of entries in respect of each edition, is the following Saturday (midnight IST).
  3. Filling in a valid and consistent e-mail address in the entry form is mandatory.
  4. Only one submission per individual/email ID shall be entertained and proxy entries will not be considered.
  5. The correct answer and the list of the successful participants in respect of each ‘quest’ will be put up on the subsequent Sunday.
  6. The authorities reserve all rights as regards this programme.

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