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Weekly Paasuram Quest — 777 (Mar 23, 2025)
Spot The Paasuram

Dear Fellow-Bhagavathas,

The following is concise meaning of a Paasuram taken from Naalaayira Divya Prabandham. Some details such as the name of the Divyadesam, the Lord, etc. occuring therein, may be masked (indicated by *-----*). You are required to identify the Paasuram and mark the answer using the list boxes provided below (click to the right of the boxes and choose from the list that appears). The last day for receipt of entries is Saturday (midnight IST).

The last day for receipt of entries for this week's Quest, is coming Saturday (midnight IST) and another Quest will be uploaded on Sunday.

The correct answer and the list of successful participants will be put up (in the chronological order) on Sunday.

For any clarification, The Editor may be contacted on 0-94444-13746.

Please feel free to e-mail your views to [email protected].

Weekly Paasuram Quest - 777


Concise Meaning:

O -----! One who, with (a) big-striding foot of Yours, measured the entire earth and (with another), transcended the space to reach Vaikuntam! You have entered the ----- and broke the ----- as well as our hearts, with Your charming smile! (Not stopping with that) If You have us in Your embrace, what will the bystanders not say?

*-----* No hints


Prabandham Century Decad Paasuram

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Quest No.:  777 
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* * *

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