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Desika Darsanam An Incarnation of Lord Venkateswara Master of Analogy Chithra Desikeeyam Acharya Vamsa Vruksham Paasurappadi Ramayanam Swami Nammazhwar Snippets
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Mar 23, 2025's Quest Mar 16, 2025's Results Cumulative Results Your Cumulative Tally
General Feedback About Quiz
Valued Views

Dear Fellow-Bhagavathas,

Some of the well-presented views and analysis in the form of feedback received from you on various features on our site, and suggestions for improvement, will be published on this page. While this would serve as a mirror, reflecting the impressions of the cross section of the visitors of the site, it would also be beneficial to many in enhancing their experience with the site. Collectively, these feedbacks would throw light upon all aspects of the site.

The comments/views should not exceed 1,500 characters (about 250 words). Please remember to furnish the name of the writer and place.

Your views/comments may be given at [email protected]

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Wonderful Experience And Exposure

We consider our Sukrutam to be among the beneficiaries of SVDD’s great service to Sri Desika Sampradayam. We had come across a small announcement in 2007 about the start of the quiz and have been associated as participants since the first quiz (of Trail Our Glorious Sampradaya), in April 2007. When we reflect on the experience and exposure obtained, and try to express our gratitude, words fail us. Like most of the participants, we also, as a family, very keenly look forward to the SVDD website on Sundays and the 1st of every month.

A special thanks to the Editor, for personally selecting the books presented as gifts. As a result, we now have a good collection of books, covering varied and interesting topics, in our library.

We pray to our Acharya Sarvabhowman Swami Desikan and the Divya Dampathis to bestow Their blessings on the SVDD team to continue this Kainkaryam to our Sampradayam, for many many more years to come.

Periyamarai Setlur Kasturirangan Srikanth & family,

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Divine Light

‘Trail our Glorious Sampradaya’ and the ‘Weekly Paasuram Quest’ give us the pleasure of going through the Azhwars’ and Acharyas’ great works. This not only helps us in knowing about our Sampradaya but also highlights the treasures in Srivaishnavism. No doubt, it is a timely ‘hug’ for all, especially, those who are away from the ‘hub’ of our Vaishnava philosophy. The Kainkaryam of svdd.com is the light (Kuththu Villakku) of our Sampradayam. May the Lord bless it so that it shines brighter and brighter forever to lead the Bhagavathas on the right path.


Interesting And Satisfying

The Monthly Quiz is very interesting. It makes me read many books in search of the answers and provides a divine challenge for me. My grandchildren are also helping me to find out the answer for difficult questions, which gives me a lot of satisfaction and pride. Continue your service for the glorious Sampradaya.

Rangamani Vasudevan,

Enjoy It Every Bit

I very much appreciate the website enjoy each and every bit of it. The Paasuram quiz is interesting and sometimes we have to go through all the 4,000 verses, making us to recite it fully. I would like to thank SVDD for the same. Please continue your Kainkaryam and keep us happy.

Kooram Varadarajan,

Great Athmagunams

The Editor’s tribute to Villivallam Srimath Azhagiasingar conveys concisely the great Athmagunams of the illustrious seer. Although we knew that our loss was imminent, when it really happened it was, indeed, difficult to come to terms with the reality. The smile of welcome, the smile of recognition, the maternal concern for us Sishyas, pampering us with sumptuous and tasty Prasadhams, the artistic manner in which Malola would be bedecked with loads and loads of flowers, the pride with which we would be shown every newly-added jewel to the Lord, and so on will be missed by us. What stood out was the love and devotion shown by thousands of Sishyas who came from far and near, putting up with inconveniences, to take part in the Charama Kainkaryam and pay their respects to the great sage. We all prostate at his lotus feet.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,

* * *

Overwhelming Feeling

“I welcome the challenging task of finding out Paasurams as in the case of Weekly Paasuram Quest – 125 of September 23. I was awe-inspired by the wordings. I was overwhelmed after spotting the Pasuram with great effort. Thank you.”


Continue Your Great Service

‘Trail Our Glorious Sampradaya’ is very interesting. To attend the quiz, we are searching a lot of books on Vaishnavism. We get to know a lot of fascinating things by reading those Ithihasams and Puranams which we can also tell our grandchildren. Please continue your great service, Swamin!

C.R. Rangamani,

Simple And Commendable

The Editor’s Note throwing light on Aahara Niyamam by Swami Desika has been inked in a simple and commendable way explaining what and what not can be eaten. Looking forward to more such topics.

Hema Kuppuswamy,

* * *

On The Live Webcast Of Annakoota Uthsavam Held On March 11, 2012

We enjoyed the live webcast of Annakoota Uthsavam. We sincerely thank all those who conceived the idea and made it possible. The coverage was excellent — very clear and covered all aspects of the wonderful event.

Chennai - 61

* * *

It was really lovely to watch the webcast of the Annakoota Uthsavam, especially for outstation people. I am watching this since morning from Delhi and tears roll out in my eyes to realise how beautiful our Perumal is from such a distance.

K. Balaji,
New Delhi

* * *

I am watching your live webcast of Annakoota Uthsavam which is a commendable effort. Please accept my congratulations. I can understand the efforts one has to put in to make this a reality.

Sampath Kumar,
Chennai - 28

The relay is fantastic. We are really enjoying. Superb Kainkaryam. Unforgettable experience. Thanks a lot.

J. Srinivasan

* * *

Thanks for the very nice webcast of Annakoota Uthsavam. I am watching this from Andheri, Mumbai. Good luck!

Tirunarayanan (alias) Suresh,

* * *

The webcast is very nice and clear. Convey my Pranams to the Archakas who are doing their Kainkaryam with utmost devotion. No words to praise the wonderful Kainkaryam.

P.K.S. Iyengar,

* * *

It was a great pleasure to see the live webcast of Annakoota Uthsavam. The video presentation was great.


Unbounded Joy

The child svdd.com has completed five years, attracting hundreds of Bhagavathas along the line. The website is like the saying about Sri Vedantha Desika which goes, “Aakaarao hrasva:; Keerthi cha mahath” (moorththi chiRidhu, keerththi peridhu).

I wish the child grows by leaps and bounds spreading its wings all over the world, drawing more and more people to learn about our glorious Sampradaya. It gives me unbounded joy to delve deep into our great tradition notwithstanding my average standing in the field.

I wish the website to scale even greater heights.

G. Veeraraghava Thatham,

Easy And Tough

The Weekly Paasuram Quests is very interesting and easy to answer. But the monthly quiz is difficult. However, we can learn a lot about our Sampradaya.

Rangamani Vasudevan

Time Spent Usefully

I thank you very much for your Quiz programmes as they give me the pleasure of going through Divya Prabandham very often and thereby spend my spare time usefully in Sathsangam.

Janaki Vedantham,
Apex, NC, USA

Great Help

We are happy to participate in your quiz competition. We thank you for the prizes for the participants. The website has been of great help in knowing about our Sampradaya. We wish it great success!

Veda Seshadri,

No Words To Appreciate

Hats off to your ideas for the Junior Quiz! I don’t have words to appreciate the efforts taken by you to have such an appropriate quiz for January 2012 (No. 40).

V. Vasundhara,
Navi Mumbai

* * *

Highly Commendable

Adiyen felt very happy and blessed to see the Brahmothsavam 2011 photos. The sincerity shown in covering the entire Uthsavam and Perumal in all postures is highly commendable! My heart-felt Pranams and wishes for SVDD for organising such a grand Uthsavam amidst lot of serious challenges to our Desika Sampradhayam! May Thayar, Sri Andal and Sri Rangamannar shower their Divine Mercy on all the organisers and volunteers of SVDD for the Uthsavam and a wonderful visual feast!

For many devotees like adiyen, who could not physically be present, it is a real delight to have the complete and crisp Darshan through your wonderful site. May your Sathkainkaryam keep growing with the blessings of Sri Nigamantha Maha Desika and present Acharyas!

Veeraraghavan V,

Fast Spreading

Sri Nammazhwar Thirunakshathram and Brahmothsavam festival kept all of us on our toes. The coverage enabled us to enjoy the Alzwar and Emperuman in various Alankarams and wonderful Ghoshtis — both with Vedam and Divya Prabandham — which are not to be found in many temples.

The Editor, in his Note, has once again written beautifully highlighting the importance of Sri Sudharshana Chakara. Every time when we go through the Note we get to know something new and worth to be remembered.

The SVDD website is spreading fast and the article ‘Master of Analogy’ has now come in the form of an e-book in the website srihayagrivan.org. Congrats to both Editor and the author Smt. Padmalatha.

Hema Kuppuswamy,

Treasure For Children

The quiz programmes are very much useful and creates awareness of Vaishnavism to our younger generation. Really this is a treasure for our children.

Adiyen has one wish. Can we have all these quiz question and answers in a printed book form so that it can be a ready reckoner for doubts on our Sampradayam.

Krishnaraj P.R.,

We already have separate ‘Archives’ sections for both the Quiz programmes as well as the Quest.


* * *

Take The First Step

The Editor’s Note for March containing beautiful translation of Periyazhwar Thirumozhi 4-10 is simply spellbinding. It teaches you to do the chanting of His names and importantly, to surrender when you are able and fit. Do not postpone Prappathi.

The wise man makes his railway reservation in advance. He plans his insurance policies early in life. But the wisest of them all is the one who takes Saranaagathi at the feet of his Acharya and ensures freedom from re-birth.

Azhwars, Sri Ramanuja and Swami Desika, among others, have shown us the way. Like we take Crocin with the belief that our fever will go away, we have to seek Prapathi and be relieved from the fear of death and battering by the Yamadhuthas.

But we need to take the first step and desire Saranaagathi. Our Acharyas are waiting for us forever.

Vyjayanthi Rajan
Dallas, Texas, USA

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Clear And Straight

Last month’s Editor’s Note on Saranaagathi principle was clear and straight. Surrendering is the keyword but it is not as easy as it sounds. What comes in one’s way is either ignorance or confused knowledge. To know that you don’t know is the essential requirement of an aspirant. This does not mean a ‘cloak and dagger’ modesty but an actual realisation of one’s helplessness.

Many a pseudo-learned person thinks that the same end cannot be achieved by both the Pandit and the ignoramus. But it is possible because of the mercy of our Acharyas who take up our case before the Mother and Father on behalf of all of us and help us attain the seemingly impossible goal.

It is up to us to take a wise decision and seek Prapaththi through our Acharya.

Vyjayanthi Rajan
Dallas, Texas, USA

* * *

Excellent Website

This is an excellent website giving a lot of information on all subjects in respect of Srivaishnavism. For persons of me who are not all that well informed despite having been born in a very noble and orthodox background owing to long years of residing in places away from the hub of the Sampradayam, it would be a great thing to get educated on finer aspects of our philosophy.

S. Ramaswamy Iyengar

* * *

Ever-growing Family of SVDD

Congratulations on turning four! The credit goes to the svdd team and the editor whose untiring zeal and commitment to the cause — Desika Darsanam — has made this possible.

The svdd family is growing everyday and it is heartening to hear devotees discussing the quiz in temples and Sampradhayic get-togethers. There are many more who would like to join our fold but have no access to computers. Is there some way to make them participate?

Vyjayanthi Rajan,

Quiz Is Of Great Interest

The website is very useful as it gives so much information relating to our Sampradaya. My daughters are showing great interest in the quiz. Even as they solve the questions they want to know the stories behind them.

If this interest in children grows, I am sure our Sampradaya will move in an enlightened path. Thanks for the great service.

Saraswathi Anandan,

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Profound Views

In this month Note (No. 31), the Editor has alluringly painted his profound views about the importance of the Vedas and Divya Prabandham in a remarkable way. Both are Emperuman’s Nethrams (eyes). How precious they are to each Vaishnavite is what Swami’s call in his Note.

I get a feel of ‘Golden Age of Srivaishanvism’ right now, as lot of Kinkaryams are being carried out by Acharyas, devotees and organizations. SVDD being a part, plays a praiseworthy role. May the Lord bless that such good deeds go on for years to come.

Hema Kuppuswamy,

Timely Editorial

I read the latest Editor’s Note (No. 31) of SVDD site highlighting the importance of the Vedas and Divya Prabhandam. A timely editorial when some of our Vaishnavite scholars are trying to misrepresent facts and undermine the true intent of our great Acharyas.

I have always wondered how learned men who have been blessed with the skill to understand, interpret and share their views with other Srivaishnava Bhagavathas choose to misrepresent facts! Is it for gaining solidarity for a particular group and demonstrate one-upmanship against others?

The need of the hour is ‘Unity among all Srivaishnavas’ and equal reverence to both the Vedas and Divya Prabhandams as also the great works/commentaries of our Acharyas.

Renganathan E.N.,

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Remember Swami Desika daily

The Editor’s Note (No. 29) has been beautifully written to cover various aspects of our Swami Desika. However much we do for Swami, it would just be not enough for what he has bequeathed to us.

All we can do is fold our hands in Anjali and bow down before the great Acharya and remember him every day.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,

* * *

Immensely Indebted

It is amazing that 89 prizes (still counting) have been awarded for the Weekly Paasuram Quest. Though we did expect some kind of recognition, prizes in the form of Purasai Swami’s books is overwhelming.

Thank you for making us browse through the Divya Prabandham and rewarding us for doing it. Admittedly the quiz is unique and kindles our interest in reading and knowing more about Azhwars and their beautiful outpourings soaked in devotion. Adiyen is immensely indebted.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,

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Sunday Challenge

We, with fellow-Bhaghavathas, enjoyed the day of Presentation (of prizes in respect of the ‘Weekly Paasuram Quest’). Thank you very much. A relative of mine, who had come down from New Delhi, also received the prize.

The website is doing such good to our Desika Darsanam. The Paasuram Quest keeps us focused on searching and finding the correct answer on every Sunday morning. Please keep it up!

Mythili Venugopalan,

Best Kainkaryam

The Best Kainkaryam is rendered by svdd.com. I am immensely pleased to participate in all the quiz programmes that are being conducted. I wish to continue doing it forever and also spreading the word to other Bhaghavathas. I pray to Swami Desika for a continual Kainkaryam.

Vasantha Srinivasan,

Wonderful Topic

Editor has picked up a wonderful topic about Bhagavathas’ greatness as depicted by Azhwars. The ‘Weekly Paasuram Quest’ is another important feature which would educate and induce the interest in our Sampradaya. Congratulations!

Hema Kuppuswamy,

Wonderful Service

The website is doing a wonderful and useful service. Editor’s Note, Quiz programmes and the ‘Weekly Paasuram Quest’ are simply superb and well organised.

One humble suggestion — you can start giving the Tamil meaning of Slokas every month so that we can not only learn them byheart but also know their meaning. Great work. Keep it going. Thanks.

M. S. Ramesh,

Unique Website

Nowadays many people are computer-savvy and hooked to the Internet. If one uses the search engines, it is easy to know details about any temple anywhere.

However, the only site which is very current and upto date about the Uthsavams with beautiful, clear pictures is svdd.com. It gives the satisfaction of being there in person. Kudos to the editorial team.

Also, this is the only interactive website giving us a sense of belonging to the temple. I am sure there are many more exciting features in the offing. I request that a question-answer session may be included which can provide answers on weekly or monthly basis for basic doubts in Sampradaya, by a panel of experts.

S. Padmalatha,

* * *

Useful and Stimulating

Respected Swamin, Adiyen welcomes the Weekly Pasuram Quest. There is no doubt that it is useful and stimulating.

Nice way to evoke interest in the Divya Prabandhams. Commendable effort! Let the site keep growing and educating!

Vyjayanthi Rajan,

Wonderful Website

Weekly Paasuram Quest, regular monthly quizzes and the articles – everything is very good.

I appreciate from the heart of hearts all the efforts put in for making the entire website wonderful. Thanks and regards.

S. Krishna,

* * *

Simply Beautiful

The series of articles on Swami Desika's analogy by S. Padmalatha was simply beautiful. The free-flowing apt words, clear explanations and straightforward narration made for compelling reading.

Adiyen appreciates and thanks the author for sharing these great similes with us. Undoubtedly they are Swami Desika's but to bring them out so clearly in an alien language is praiseworthy.

It has certainly kindled the desire to study the text under an appropriate Guru.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,

* * *

Splendid Experience

What an auspiciously splendid morning it was today (Vaikunta Ekadasi)! To get ready at Brahma Muhurtham and enter the temple to wait for our beloved deity with His Consorts to enter through Swarga Vaasal, with Swami Desika and Azhwar praying Emperuman... The atmosphere was electrifying with Vaadhyams, recitations and chanting of Govinda Govinda! And when Emperuman showed Himself, it was a fulfilling experience. It was so nice to see young men charged with devotion enjoying their Kainkaryam.

Hema Kuppuswamy,

Concise Yet Complete

It was ennobling and enlightening to read about Thirumangai Mannan on his Thirunakshathram day. Though we have read and heard much about this Azhwar, his life and deeds never fail to impress us. And who should we thank for this — Kumudhavalli Naachiyar, but for her we could never have discovered the Azhwar’s greatness. Thank you for the concise yet complete analysis.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,

Asking For More...

It’s like tasting nectar without hard work — to sit back and read profound topics, articles (known and unknown facts) and visual treat of Emperuman Vaibhavam during festivals. The youngsters who are running the show under able guidance of the Editor deserve commendation.

I have a request and a suggestion here. Can we also have audio with a daily Sloka as the site opens? Modern technology is making me to ask for more. Best wishes to one and all connected with maintaining this site.

Hema Kuppuswamy,

Thought-provoking and Analytical

The article about the importance of Anushtaanam is thought-provoking and analytical. The picture has been portrayed clearly and beautifully by addressing the cause and providing the remedy as well. Yes, technology is a double-pronged instrument which can be used either to one’s benefit or detriment.

As Swami has pointed out we are mastering theory without applying it practically. Anushtaanam means practice. That is, what we do from the time we get up till we sleep. It aims at one’s betterment by telling how, what and when to eat. It teaches how to cook, how to lead the life and takes one on the path of Realisation of God. It leads us to the Prapathi Maargam and frees us from the cycle of births and deaths.

In modern parlance, it can be called discipline and adherence to rules and regulations set by our Acharyas and forefathers.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,

* * *

Timely and Apt

Swamin, I found the topic discussed in the Editor's Note - 18 to be very timely and apt. It is fashionable nowadays to say that rituals are not important and only purity of heart is essential! But as per our Saasthras purity of heart cannot be achieved without Saathvik food and so on ('Aahaara Suddho Sathva Suddhi').

One may delude oneself by saying that I am pure at heart. But it is simply impossible to achieve it without Anushtaanam. Since the heart resides within the body, the body must be kept pure through Anushtaanam. Outward appearance is also very important. Appearance and kindness of heart are not mutually exclusive. First let us take pride in our Sampradayam and flaunt the outward appearance and the Lord will take care of the rest.

You have pointed out areas in which simple measures, if undertaken, could go a long way in uplifting our life. This is a good follow-up to previous notes emphasising the importance of Sandhyavandanam, the minimum time it takes etc. Kudos!

S. Padmalatha,

No Emphasis on Athma Gunas

In response to your editorial on Asthikam versus Anushtaanam, I find it telling that cultivation of human values such as kindness, sweetness of speech, ego-control, temper-control, patience, etc. has not found a mention in any place.

While the Sampradayam places tremendous emphasis on all external appurtenances and appearance, development of these qualities, which I will loosely call Athma Gunas, is not even given a casual mention. I would further theorise (from anecdotal evidence only) that it is precisely because this is not emphasised that the Anushtaanam observance has gone down so much.

After all, if a Thiruman-applying, Sandhyavandanam-observing man uses hurtful language, or gossips, or shows a high ego, what would a casual observer think? In fact, I feel that in the absence of these Athma Gunas, observing Anushtanams hurts the religion, since it is more likely to make others believe that Athma Gunas have nothing whatsoever to do with observance of rituals.

Vedalakshmi Venkatesh,
New Jersey, U.S.A.

The issue appears to have been misconstrued. To say that one should conform to the attire and appearance as prescribed in the sacred texts does not imply to say that he can be ill-mannered. Further, the Editor's Note is a monthly column and as such has to be viewed as a series, and not a one-off article. The importance of 'Athma Gunas' has already been dealt with in Note No. 11 entitled 'Humility is the Hallmark of Refinement'.


Typical of Thirumala

It's a great task that the temple authorities have undertaken -- to follow the regulations at all times and conduct all Uthsavams and rituals amidst mechanical modern life. The temple may be small but is neat and well-designed and the space has been well utilised.

One may say that this is typical of the Thirumala temple. Those who are unable to go to Thirumala/Thirupathi or Oppiliappan Koil can come here and do the same Kainkaryam (i.e. Kalyana Uthsavam, etc.) for having the blessings of this Lord is equal to that of all the others. Humble Pranaams.


* * *

Praiseworthy and Purifying

The Editor's Note deserves praise for the impeccable choice of words and apt usages. The bringing up of Azhwars/Acharyas born in that particular month and singing (writing) their glories is praiseworthy and purifying. Just as the light of a lamp spreads all around, reading about Swami Desikan and the Mudhal Azhwars evokes a feeling of awe and respect in us and inspires us. Thank you Swami!

Vyjayanthi Rajan

Amazing Website

I saw the website by chance and it is simply superb, amazing and marvellous. Hats off to you all. Perumal and all other Uthsava Parivaarams are smiling because of their happiness. Perhaps, they enjoy the Kainkaryam and Mariyadhais given to them with devotion by great Bhagavathas which explains the happiness in their Thirumukha Mandalams. I would like to enjoy this in person. I surrender myself to this temple, Perumal, Thayar, Azhwar, Acharyas and the Adiyaars as well. I submit this with humble Pranaams.

M.S. Ramesh

* * *

Need of The Hour

Glad to read the Editorial Note – 14 on the ‘Srivaishnava Way’. Another lucid write-up on some of the basic qualifiers of a Srivaishnavite. It is interesting to note that the Editor has sensed the need of the hour and tailored to the requirements. Hope fellow-Bhagavathas read and practise at least few of the very basic things (to begin with) to qualify themselves to be “Pirandhaar Uyarndhe”.

E.N. Renganathan,

Very Good Topic

The Editor has taken up a very good topic for the month (July 09). Though many are aware of these duties towards Emperuman and Sampradayam, they take them easy. Hence these things are to be told every now and then. As mentioned in the Editorial, most things are for men. So, women must offer their Kainkaryam like lighting lamps, drawing Kolam, decorating with flowers, making Prasaadham, keeping things ready for Thiruvaaraadhanam, etc.

Hema Kuppusamy,

Much-needed Prompting

The Editor’s Note – 14 elaborating the minimum requirements of a Srivaishnava is educative and is a much-needed prompting. Dilution is the beginning of deterioration. Clear rules and regulations are the pre-requisite of any Sampradaya.

As Swami rightly points out we are ashamed of things about which we need to be proud about. Let us make a beginning by wearing traditional attire at least during Araadhanam at home and while visiting temples and Yathis. Any religious rite done without traditional attire is futile.

Those of us who have deviated should consider changing back to the right path.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,

* * *

Quality and Quantity

It is good to see this site growing everyday both qualitatively and quantitatively. It was great to see Srimath Azhagiasingar offering of the Golden Kavacham to Lord Srinivasa and hear His Anugrahabhashanam (through webcast). The Pushpa Yagam was a treat to watch and the visual impact of the colourful baskets of floral offerings falling into steps was great. The music in the background was superb and congratulations to the whole team is a must. It is heartening to hear that Srimath Azhagiasingar is recovering fast. Thank you svdd.com.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,

Nice Coverage

I am a regular viewer of the website and am very glad to see this Pushpa Yagam and Swarna Kavacha Samarpanam for Srinivasar through the site only. It was such a nice coverage that I felt that I was seeing in person. The photos were also great. I pray to the lotus feet of Lord Venkatesa to give the svdd.com team members good health and long life to do more such Kainkaryams.

Varadaraja Bhattar,

Visual Treat

Kudos on the wonderful webcast of new Swarna Kavacha Samarpanam & Pushpa Uthsavam. The audio quality was specially commendable. It was as if HH Srimath Azhagiasingar was addressing us individually. In fact, I doubt whether I could have enjoyed a better view of the Pushpa Uthsavam even if I had attended the festival. It was a visual treat to behold!

S. Padmalatha,
Chennai - 78

Wonderful Effort

The coverage of offering of Swarna Kavacham and Pushpa Uthsavam was very good. Thank you for the same. It gave us an opportunity to view from home and its was as if we attended the festivals in person. We also gave the link to our children in the U.S. and they will definitely enjoy this. Thank you for the wonderful effort.

S. Venkatadri

Sincere Commendations

My sincere commendations to the temple management for carrying out everything (Swarna Kavacham offering and Pushpa Uthsavam) in such a gracious manner and the svdd.com team for bringing to us such a lovely webcast of the festivals. Cheers to all who made it possible and pray they continue with such Kainkaryams. The little kids reciting Pasurams along with elders are strong pillars of our tomorrow. My best wishes to their Acharayan who is training and moulding them so well.

Hema Kuppuswamy,

One More Feather

What a divine visual feast to have — the Swarna Kavacham & Pushpa Yagnam of our Perumal — in the august presence of Sri Ahobila Mutt Jeeyar. Thanks a ton to those who made this possible to watch these events live on the web. It is Swami Desikan’s Krupai that he guides all the selfless abhimanis of our temple to make this possible. One more feather in the cap of the organisers.

Chettipunniyam Srinvasan,
Foothill Ranch, CA, U.S.A.

Fantastic Darsan

Happy to have seen the webcast. It was really fine. You have given me an opportunity to worship the Perumal right from my house. Even if we had come to temple we would not have had this fantastic Darsan. Informed all my friends and relatives. they had also watched.

Chennai - 28

More glitter

Like the gold that glitters more when polished, our site too is shining with every month, with the adding up of new topics to impart knowledge on our Sampradaya. Everyone of us needs to know about the Acharya Vamsa Vruksham. The author is giving it in detail. My best wishes and regards to him. ItÂ’s a great idea to publish the unique Paasurappadi Ramayanam here.

Hema Kuppuswamy,

Noble Service

It is a noble service done for our Srivaishnavas. It has made me unfold and read the valuable old books bundled and kept in the cupboard, because of svdd.com, as I realise the value of our Sampradayas now, thanks to the website. I salute the editor and the team.

Rengaswamy Iyengar,

Kudos to one and all

I recently got to know about svdd.com. and have become a fan of the website. The EditorÂ’s Note is really good. I have read the Desika Darsanam and Master of Analogy. Padmalatha's writing on Analogical Gems merits appreciation. Desika Darsanam is a treat to all. I have been chanting the slokas without actually knowing much about them. But the series throws light on the background of Swami DesikaÂ’s great hymns.

I would appreciate if you could add some more stories related to our Sampradaya, more like that of Chithra Desikeeyam. It would create interest among children and they can have a visual treat too. Kudos to one and all who are behind this site.


* * *

Sense of Belonging

Aho Bhagyam! Emperuman has blessed me not to miss any festival and on-going celebrations in our Temple even when I am away, through this wonderful site. The feeling of being one among in the Temple festivals is undoubtedly felt while watching the pictures. Great job is being carried out with the quiz section too. Congratulations to the SVDD team and the management.

Hema Kuppuswamy,

Commendable Kainkaryam

I am a regular visitor of the SVDD website. I appreciate its Kainkaryam and work for Srivaishnavam. I thank the site management on behalf of all Vaishnava devotees.

Vishnu Mahadevan

Element of Thrill

It is nice to see that you have added a page to publish the 'First Among the Best'. Definitely it is another effort from you to encourage many more participants to get involved in the quiz programme with more seriousness and thrill.

E. Sridhar,
Chennai - 4

Excellent Effort

It is an excellent effort by Smt. S. Padmalatha in bringing out a lucid commentary on the analogies from Rahasyathraya Saaram, with a clear focus on simple language and narration. This is a welcome change from the conventional articles (written exclusively for erudite Srivaishnavite scholars!) that will certainly drive away many people like me (aspiring to learn more about our Sampradayam). Keep up the good work.

E.N. Renganathan,
Chennai – 17

Educative Quiz

The monthly quiz conducted by SVDD is educative. I am able to know more about Azhwars and Acharya Gurupampara. The details about various Uthsavams are commendable.

T.S.S. Srinidhi,
Chennai - 5.

* * *

Growing Beautifully

It is heartening to see this site growing so beautifully. The expansion in different directions without compromising on the quality is praiseworthy. Also the articles, the feedback section and accepting appropriate questions and acknowledging the sender's name and of course the prize distribution function have all established a close connection between the visitors and the site. May this divine endeavour grow every day.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,

What a Presentation!

All these days I tried to download 'Chithra Desikeeyam' but in vain. Today I was enjoying the Panchami Theertham pictures which were as usual wonderful and a feast to the eyes and mind. Then after finishing going through the Editor's Note — the subject, again a great boost for my thoughts — I wished I could get to see the pictorial depiction of Swami Desika and Acharya's Krupai worked! What a presentation! No words to pen it down!

Hema Kuppuswamy,

Thanks for Junior Quiz

The quiz for the children is very interesting as well as informative. Thanks for introducing the same.

V. Vasundhara,
Gandhidham (Gujarat)

Virtual Divyadesam

Congratulations to every one who contributed to this great Virtual Divyadesam. This site brought back all my childhood memories and over three decades of my elders' association with this great temple. A wonderful and sincere effort to develop and maintain this great website.

Chettipunyam Srinivasan,
Foothill Ranch, CA, U.S.A.

* * *

Kudos to Editorial Team

Congratulations to the Editorial Team on maintaining the website so wonderfully. And publishing of photos for every occasion adds an extra feather to the site's cap.

The quiz makes people think and work on it. I personally had a great opportunity to learn a lot from the website, especially from the quiz. Junior quiz is an addition of an extra stone to the Lord's crown.

The temple has come into the limelight more prominently due to the website. Thanks once again to the Editorial Team. May the Divya Dhampathis shower their blessings one and all!

Anuradha Gopalan,
Ellicott City, U.S.

Wonderful Website

Arputhamana website — the layout, colour combos, font choice, mouse-over features (e.g.: Sannidhi pop-ups) and all the minute details that have been paid attention to.

Suresh Narasimhan

Keep It Up!

Thought provoking, valuable, educative and containing useful information for soul and body. Keep up the good work!

J. Satakopan,

Must for Youngsters

This site is very good platform to achieve knowledge on our Sampradayam, which is very important. All youngsters must see this site and know a little about our Azhwars and Acharyas.

V. Geetha,

Commendable Message

Editor's Note dealing with our Sampradaya, which spreads awareness about do's and don't's every month is really commendable, especially the issue discussed this month (Nov. '08).

Even those who follow of our tradition in a real way are forced to conduct/attend/witness such functions for the sake of their children. It is high time that one must realise our Sampradayam is for lighting one's life towards divine path, construction of a strong base for the upliftment of the soul right from the childhood in our kids.

As the Editor has rightly mentioned, this message should be spread to make people realise the folly of such cultural slant.

Hema Kuppuswamy,

* * *

Grand Uthsavam and Lively Pictures

Hats off to the temple management having conducted the Uthsavam in such a grand manner. I have to compliment Sri Ashwin Raghavan for capturing each and every view of Desikar Uthsavam so lively. His pictures also make one realise the amount of Archakas' devotion and care to come up with the Alankarams. In a nutshell, I feel very gifted and blessed to enjoy and share my views here.

Hema Kuppuswamy,

Thanks for The Big Gift

Excellent feast for eyes and feelings. Even though it is a big gift for all those who could not be present all the time during these festivals, I would say it is even more a pleasure for those who were present at those times. We could not have enjoyed the Alankarams and divinity of the Perumal as we could see in these photos. Such close-ups and involvement of the people is reflected in every frame.

Thanks for this big gift.

E. Sridhar,
Chennai - 4

Enlightening Note

Editor's Note posted on August 1 is excellent with the Editor's free flowing language adding glory to the subject. It would be enlightening to many of us if such important aspects of our Sampradaya are included in the Editor's column every month.

Hema Muralidharan,
Chennai - 4

Life-time Chance

It gives me a pleasure to learn/know our Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya news through your website. What I have failed to know all these years, now I am getting a chance to know at last.

K. Jagannadhan,

Continuous Feast

I congratulate and appreciate the constant and concerted efforts by the editor and his team, in continuously providing feast for our eyes and mind, thus enabling us to lift ourselves to higher levels in knowing and enjoying our great Sampradayam. Something new is always provided at regular intervals (Quiz for Juniors, Master of Analogy, Photos of Uthsavams etc.). The quiz gives excellent opportunity for us to learn about this highly-advanced Sampradhayam and its Sthaapakas.

E. Sridhar,
Chennai - 4

* * *

A Must-read for All

‘Swami Desika —Master of Analogy’ is excellent and a must-read for one and all. It would be nice if Tamil translation of the same is also posted for the benefit of elders who find it difficult to read English. I eagerly look forward to the next posting. It is a commendable effort by the author and the editorial team. Kudos to all!

Olakkur Srinivasan,

Extremely Beneficial

The current series on DesikaÂ’s Rahaysathraya Saaram is extremely beneficial to people who are not fortunate enough to understand the work of the Acharya under the tutelage of a Kalakshepa Adhikari. Most of my friends, to whom I always forward SVDD updates gave wonderful feedback about the work done to maintain the temple website.


Compelling Reading

Manargudi SwamiÂ’s article makes compelling reading. It reaches out by its simple, direct manner and brings out the fact that Swami Desika is Saakshath Srinivasa, in an absolute manner. The fact that The Lord of the Universe doesnÂ’t want to sing His own praises, hence there is no reference to His Swamithvam in Daya Sathakam is really appealing.

The analogy article is very interesting but one has to be a Kalakshepa Adhikari to actually appreciate it completely. It stimulates one to pursue detailed study. Thank you svdd.com

Vyjayanthi Rajan,
New Delhi

Extraordinary Service

I am the Founder-President of Swami Desika Darsana Satasnagm (SDDS) and Editor & Publisher of “Sri Ranga Sri" Electronic Journal. Started in 2000, our membership is around 5,000 from all over the world including those from religions other than Hinduism who are genuinely interested in learning about our philosophy and practices. I am glad to note the extraordinary service rendered by you through svdd.com.

Anbil Ramaswamy,

Divine Intervention

Excellent website, giving very useful information. I must appreciate the efforts of organisers .They could have done this only with divine intervention. May God bless the organisers!

S. Raamswamy,

For Analytical Questions

Analytical questions should be part of the quiz even if one does feel bad for not being marked right for an answer that is technically right.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,

DonÂ’t Sacrifice

The hall mark of a good quiz is that it should contain both simple and difficult (read analytical) questions which require some deep thinking. Till now the svdd quiz has fulfilled the criteria wonderfully. Sacrificing analytical questions would be a pity as there would be no challenge left since (technically) all questions are answerable correctly and there is zero possibility of error. There would be no room for perception and interpretation and any quiz should retain some amount of mystery to be interesting.

We attempt the quiz fully knowing that our interpretation to the analytical question might be wrong and so we should accept it sportingly. “Disappointment” should not be cited to do away with such questions altogether. I feel that it would be a drab quiz without the “odd one out” (pun intended).

S. Padmalatha,
Chennai - 78.

* * *

Similar to Kanchi Temple

The most striking feature of our Mylapore Srinivasa Swami temple is that the festivals celebrated, procedures followed are similar to those which are performed, followed at Kanchi Deva Perumal temple. It is very heartening and I wish all the best to all the people who perform all kinds of kainkaryam. The organisers deserve all the credit.

May the Kanchi Lord Devaraja shower His grace upon all concerned in the form of Mylapore Lord Srinivasa.

Sudarshan Rajagopalan,

Wonderful Kainkaryam

Great job svdd.com team. First let me congratulate for your wonderful divine kainkaryam towards the Lord and His devotees through this site. The new lay-out and the photographs of various festivals are commendable. Congratulations to the photographers. I am planning to be a regular visitor in future and also requesting friends to do so.

May Lord Srinivasa keep you all in great spirits and devotion to serve through this site.

Hema Kuppuswamy,

Need for a Forum

It appears that there are not much information on our Sri Sampradayam and there is a need for a forum to have doubts clarified authentically. It would be better if svdd.com can provide regular write-ups on various issues to educate as well as update for the benefit of those interested in our Sampradayam.

In today's net-savvy world there are many sites on Sri Vaishnavism but it also leads to too many interpretations based on one's own understanding or faith. This results in the correct meanings and practices being lost.

Chennai - 4

Helpful Efforts

Pranams... Though I am now away from India (in USA for a short stay) I really feel very happy to be with Swami Desika and Lord Srinivasa through your great website. Your helpful efforts are greatly appriciated by Bhagavathas all over the world.

Vasantha Srinivasan,

Good Website

I visited the website and it is really good. Sitting in London, we can watch the videos of various uthsavams.

Chanting of slokas can be uploaded so that we can teach our children. This will be especially useful for people who reside outside India.


Interesting and Informative

The lay-out and presentation of the site is excellent and deserves high appreciation. The photos/video are crisp and to the point. Great efforts and forethought make the quiz interesting and informative so that one can gain knowledge on our Sampradaya.

My prayers to Swami Desika and Lord Srinivasa to bless the organisers in continuing this great service.

E. Sridhar,
Chennai - 4

Simply Beautiful

The photos of Aani Garudan, Kodai Utsavam and dedication of Pandian Kondai are simply beautiful. The photographer deserves hearty congragulations and special thanks. Very crisp photos with appropriate captions. Please accept adiyen's appreciation and thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,
New Delhi

* * *

Congratulations to svdd.com team!

Congratulating on the efforts put in revamping the website, I feel compelled to put in words, my appreciation to the minute aspects dealt with in precision. Now, since 17 months of its launch, the fact that the site has been visited more than 3.5 lakh times, in itself, is a good record to show as to how it has impressed the devotees enmasse.

Firstly, the new layout is aptly spaced, rightly worded, appropriately grouped and amply informative. Whether on Kovil Kaalam, the Uthsavams or the Ubhayam, the information one can ask for, are all on the site charted neatly. The glow balls are, no doubt, useful to a regular visitor of the site, to check for updates.

The photographer deserves a big applause. Especially, some photographs of Lord Srinivasa are so captivating that one is reminded of Thondar AdipPodi Azhwar's அச்சுவை பெறினும் வேண்டேன். Yes, it makes the person get glued on to the computer monitor unable to part with the charismatic splendour. It is of course, the beauty of the அபர்யாப்தாம்ருதன் that is binding us, but one couldn't have got such a close glimpse of the Lord save for the photographer's help.

The online quiz has become a passion for many including me. It makes me wait impatiently for the 1st day of the month not only for the next quiz but also to read through the notes on the earlier quiz. The quiz setter needs a special praise for such a neatl- made quiz. I can understand the thought & effort put in in setting each and every question. Some questions requiring direct answers, some requiring repeated recitation of Desika Prabandham or Azhwar paasurams to locate the answer and some requiring reference to various books. Only ten questions; but lots of mind work involved.

Desika Darsanam is informative and gives a quick insight into the Sthothras. The fluent language employed therein requires an ovation.

I now look forward to the new additions planned for the future and pray to Lord Srinivasa to shower in abundance His blessings on the team to make the new endeavour a great success!

Hema Muralidharan
Chennai - 4

One More Please!

The questions asked in the quiz are very interesting and really testing. Our knowledge in Sri Vaishnavam, which is very important, cannot be easily obtained from a University Degree. I am so interested and wish that you conduct two quizzes a month. This will enable sharpen our knowledge and be more in touch with our Sampradayam.

D. Gopalan,

Interactive Website

I heard of the SVDD quiz and this (June Â’08) was the first time I attended it. The site is really good and I am very glad to see such an interactive temple website with lot of information.

Also it is very good to send updates frequently. Great job. Hats off to the team behind all these efforts.

Wish you all the best for more such success stories.

Harini Santhanam,
Chennai - 4

Commendable Effort

I have seen the various photographs of the recently-concluded Brahmothsavam. It is a commendable effort and this will go a long way in spreading the message about the various events taking place in our temple.

I take this opportunity to thank all those who are involved in this effort and pray our Great Acharyan to give you all more and more vigour in pursuit of this noble kainkaryam.

R. Srinivasan,
Chennai - 4

Well Captured

Congrats on the coverage of Brahmothsavam. Every event was captured in its essence. Elimination of external noises would have been welcome. Thanks all the same.

T.G. Ramamurthi,

Professional Approach

Respected Swamin! It is good to see the new set-up and rehauling (of the lay-out). The continuous pursuit of improvement and innovation make an endeavour successful. The preparation and presentation of the monthly quiz, the notes for answers, selection of the winners, the care taken in the selection of prize books, prize-distribution functionÂ… all make the whole thing professional.

Thank you for educating and creating interest in our Sampradhaya. It was nice reading the Anugarha Srimukhams of Srimath Azhagiasingar, SrimathAndavan and Sri Parakala Mutt swamis.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,
New Delhi

Great Feast

The newly-designed website is really a feast to our eyes. The monthly quiz is a great way to learn the fundamentals about our Sampradayam. Keep up the good work.


Attractive Lay-out

This new format is really good and more attractive to see and I request you to continue the same.


Notes – A Treatise

Very excellent treatise for the questions on ‘Prapanna Gayathri’, ‘Brahmothsavam’, ‘Bhishma episode’ and ‘First Decad’. I was very much impressed with your convincing, methodical, conclusive, thorough and effective answers. Kudos to your sincere effort. May the Divya Dhampathis shower on you all the best in the universe to continue this service to propagate the tenets of Sri Vaishnavam as enshrined in scriptures and ordained by Sri Ramanuja. Your mode of presrentation and language are superb. No more words to express my exhilaration!

T.N. Kesaven,

Greatnesss of Slokas

I would like to thank one and all in the svdd.com team for giving me an opportunity to learn the greatness of Slokas by Swami Desika. The commentary is easily understandable for common man because of the usage of simple language. I feel I am more involved while reciting the slokas subsequent to knowing the details. This provides opportunity for the middle-aged people to know about our Sampradaya, but what about our younger generation? Of course, parents have to play a major role in this.

As parent of a five-year-old daughter, I personally feel, in addition to parentÂ’s contribution, temples like Sri Vedanta Desika Devasthanam can help children learn Slokas by conducting classes and recitation competition. This would be of great help to parents who want their children to learn Desika Sthothras and involve them in our tradition so that it is carried forward to the next generation.

Pradeepa Varadarajan,

Divine Obsession

Every salaried individual looks forward to the 1st of every month. This is my state ever since I became involved in the monthly quiz. I came to know about this through Ranga Sri group of which I am a member. What started as a casual browsing has become an obsession. Fifty per cent of the questions can be answered easily, 25% need some help and reference materials. It is usually a single question that tests one out and the satisfaction of finding the right answer is great. Because of my lack of knowledge of the Tamil language questions on Divya Prabhandams stump me. But my interest in studying them have been evoked to such an extent that I am looking forward to finding a proper Guru who will enlighten me on this. Thank you SVDD. Jai Azhwars, Jai Ramanuja, Jai Desika and Acharyas!

Vyjayanthi Rajan,
New Dehil

Towards Great Heights

Bhagavath Kainkaryam, Acharya Kainkaryam and Bhagavatha Kainkaryam are inter-related. Inge Thirinderku Izhukkutren? is the poser of Azhwar in Nedumarkadimai. Hence Ozhivil Kaalamellaam Kainkaryam should be the objective of every Srivaishnava. You are aiming towards that and you are going to achieve the same as time passes on. This is my Mangalaasaasanam for your organisation and its endeavour.

Gopala Iyengar,

One Cannot Wait

This website is very useful for new learners of Srivaishnava Sampradaya and also it is helpful in this method to know more about our Sampradayam, especially for the young generations. It kindles so much curiosity that one cannot wait for the results with patience for one month. Can the time be shortened to a fortnight? Carry on this Kaikaryam!


Excellent Presentation

Excellent questions and awesome answers. I am highly moved by the sincerity which you have been showing in giving the correct answers and presenting this quiz.

V. Muthu Krishna,

Enjoyable Commentary

Pranams! I thouroughly enjoyed the commentary on Paramaartha Stuthi and particularly the meaning for the 8th Sloka. The language in each and every commentary once in 15 days, truly flows like river Godhavari. The Author is blessed with Godha Piratti Arul Kataksham. What else can be the reason? (Particular reference is to the Daya Sathakam commentary)

Ramaswamy Venkatesan,

Quiz for Children

Pranams. My humble suggestion is that you conduct a similar online quiz for children in a simpler format which would inculcate Sri Vaishnava tradition and values in the young minds. I would be very appreciative of your efforts in this regard. Many thanks for the opportunity to express my opinion.

Prabha Rangarajan,
Horsham (Australia)

Beautiful Analysis

The analysis of Sri Garuda Panchasath is simply beautiful. Adiyen prays that this series should not end with Yathiraja Sapthathi. It would be useful if Swami DesikanÂ’s Prabandhams and other works are explained in this manner.

Vyjayanthi Rajan,
New Delhi

Great Opportunity

Thank you for your interest and hard work in keeping our traditions alive and launching this web site. I have thoroughly enjoyed your quiz. I find it a great opportunity to learn more about our Sampradayam and share this knowledge with fellow Bhagavathas. I am currently in the U.S., and I have informed about this site to all my friends and family members who are in the U.S. and India, upon which several have participated in the quiz. Like me, they have been enjoying the quiz, and we all look forward to it every month. Thanks again for your contributions to the community.

Seattle (U.S.)

Superb Work

The site is excellent. I am one of the devotees of this temple and the sevas are very good. My congratulations to the team for this superb religious work.

B. Srinivasan,

Knowledge in Our Sampradaya

The quiz that is being conducted through this site, helps us (Sri Vaishnavas) to know more about our Sampradaya, which has, due to the increasing work and home pressure, taken a back seat in some (may be many) of our minds. I take this opportunity to give a small suggestion from my end. The quiz is mostly taken by the adults and the children of age between 5 and 12 would not be able to attend it. So, the puzzles with the pictures of Divyadesa, Perumal and Piraatti, could be made for the kids. This would enable them to learn the various Divyadesa Perumal names.

Padma Sowrirajan,

Simply Excellent

The commentary on Devanayaka Panchasath is simply excellent. It has rekindled my previous experience with Him, around 6 years back, where true to his name, He stood by His words as told through a Bhattacharya.

Lord Devanatha saved my entire family, when we were suffering profusely from the wrong doing of a Government Servant. After all, He is a ‘Sathya Vrathan’ and ‘Nambinavarkku Meyyan’, isn’t it?

A devotee,

Fond Memories

I am very grateful to see our Lord Srinivasa in different alankarams during Uthsavams. Really fine. I enjoyed the LordÂ’s beauty after so many years. I remember those days when I spent my childhood in and around our Perumal temple. I am very happy sir. Hats off to the people concerned who bring this website. Thanks a lot.

S. Lakshminarasimhan

Great Service

Summing up of each of the Swami DesikaÂ’s hymns is wonderful. I would like to place on record my sincere gratitude for this great service to Sri Vaishnavism.

S. Krishnan,

Useful Updates

ItÂ’s really heartening to see such a site dedicated to Lord Srinivasa. Updates about the Uthsavams and happenings in temple are very useful for non-Mylapore devotees. Keep up your great work.


Flowing Language

I went through the commentary on Vegasedhu Sthothram, The language itself is flowing like river Vegavathi. All Emperuman Hayagreevar Kataksham on the writer. He is correct in his observation as given in the last para of the commentary. As I recite this sthothra daily for the last several years, along with Ashtabujashtakam, I know personally how He was with me all through.

Ramaswamy Venkatesan,

* * *

www.svdd.com - © Sri Vedantha Desikar Devasthanam, Mylapore, Chennai.