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Various festivals are celebrated in the Temple through out the year. The 10-day Brahmothsavam to Lord Srinivasa (with the Theertha Vaari on Vaikasi Hastham), the 10-day Desikan Uthsavam culminating on Purattasi Sravanam, the Thiru Pavitra Uthsavam (seven days, commencing on Purattasi Pournami), Adhyayana Uthsavam (Pagal Pathu and Raap Pathu, ten days each) are some of the most important of them.

The Pancha Parva purappaadu for Lord Srinivasa is performed on Matha Pirappu, Ekadasi, Amavasya, Pournami and Hastham with Thiru Veethi Purappaadu. On every Sravanam, Thiru Veethi Purappadu for both Perumal and Sri Desika is held.

For Thayar, the nine-day Panchami Theertha uthsavam (concluding on Kaarthigai Sukla Panchami) is performed with Ul Purappadu (உள் புறப்பாடு) on Vaahana, in addition to the monthly Uthiram and weekly Friday Ul Purappaadu (உள் புறப்பாடு).

Besides, the Thirunakshatram/Satrumurai of all the Alwars and Acharyas are performed in the traditional manner.

Thiru Veethi Purappaadu (procession) is performed within the confines of the temple's "Mada Veethis". However, there are exceptions as in the cases of the following uthsavams.

The Complete uthsava list (tamil [PDF]) is available here.

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