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  1. Only participants of the quiz programme can take part in this.
  2. A maximum of three questions per month from a person/E-mail ID will be considered.
  3. The question(s) may be used in its original form or as a variation, as considere fit.
  4. Question(s) and other details must be complete in all respects.
  5. The best question or the most suitable question in the opinion of the Editor, will be taken as the 10th question of the next month's quiz, with acknowledgment of the sender's name.
  6. The entry (entries) from the participant and his/her family members will not be considered for prizes in respect of the particular month's quiz in which his/her question appeared.
  7. The last date for receipt of question(s) for the forthcoming quiz is the 25th of the current month. Questions received after the 25th will be considered along with questions received during the following month.
  8. Only those questions received through this interface (page) will be considered.
  9. An acknowledgment with a reference number will be sent for future reference immediately on receipt of the question.
  10. The editor's decision is final in all matters related to this programme.

* * *

Note: The last date for receipt of question(s) for the forthcoming quiz is the 25th of the current month. Questions received after the 25th will be considered along with questions received during the following month.

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The question(s) that you wish to send should not have figured in the earlier quizzes. So please check our ‘Archives’ pages thoroughly before sending. The search option (Ctrl + F) is an effective tool for this.
Enter the question and the options in English and click an option to indicate the answer:
a. b.
c. d.
* - Mandatory for questions like 'Pick the odd one out', 'Complete the line-up' and for questions with 'None of these' as the answer.

* * *

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