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Editor's Note - 79 (December 1, 2014)

Five Significant Concepts For Those Desirous Of Deliverance

Dear Fellow-Bhagavathas,

In order to get rid of the repeated and vicious circle of birth, death and the sufferings of life, one should take recourse to the benign grace of Sriman Narayana. He is the sole authority in granting deliverance or salvation, which can be achieved by either Devotion (Bhakthi) or Surrender (Prapaththi).

Here 'Devotion' does not imply the day-to-day religious activities. It is a highly-demanding and strenuous process - like the one undertaken by young Dhruva — and hence is literally impracticable in the present day. Further, there is no guarantee as to when it will fructify and it may even take any number of births. On the other hand, the means of 'Surrender' is simple, immensely viable and give the desired result at the end of this life. No wonder the Azhwars and our Acharyas have favoured the latter. Not only did they preach their preferred option but led by example by practising it.

Thus we have the process of Surrender simplified. Prapaththi is the way to go is well established. There are some pre-requisites in the form of knowledge of a few principles, such as, the Triple Reality (Thathva-thrayam), the Esoteric Triad (Rahasya-thrayam) and the Five Concepts (Artha Panchakam). We have already seen the first two in these columns (Note Nos. 74 and 75). So, let us here take a look at the Five Significant Concepts that someone who is desirous of deliverance (Mumukshu) needs to know about.

The five concepts as laid down in Srimath Rahasya-thraya Saaram (Chapter 4) are:

Paramaathma Swaroopam (The form of the Supreme Being):

Jivaathma Swaroopam (The form of the Individual Soul):

Upaaya Swaroopam: (The nature of the means):

As said before, the two Upaayas or means to attain Moksha, are Bhakthi and Prapathi. There are six parts in Prapathi or the ‘Act of Surrender’ unto the Lord. Hence this is called ‘Shadaanga Yoga’ (Five Angas and an Angi - cover). Similarly, Bhakthi Yoga, which comprises eight elements, is known as ‘Ashtaanga Yoga’.

The six limbs of Prapathi are:

The eight limbs of Bhakthi are:

Upeya Swaroopam (The nature of the salvation):

Virodhi Swaroopam (The nature of deterrents):

That Swami Desika has dedicated an exlusive Prabandham for this subject is a clear indication of its significance. 'Artha Panchakam', which consists of 11 Paasurams offered at the feet of the Lord of Kanchi, deals with these five concepts. A good grasp of the same will help us to consciously endeavour to conduct ourselves according to the requirements of the Saasthras.

Meet you in the next Note.

எங்கள் தூப்புல் பிள்ளை பாதம் என் சென்னியதே!

Natteri P. Srihari (a) Lakshmi Narasimhacharyar

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