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Editor's Note - 49 (June 1, 2012)

Brahmothsavam — The Divine Buzz Is Back To Its Peak

Dear Fellow-Bhagavathas,

The divine buzz is back at the temple! Nay, the ever-present bustle has reached its crescendo here, thanks to the annual Brahmosthsavam to Lord Srinivasa. Amazing is the verve and vitality of those Bhagavathas who render various services to the Lord throughout the festival in which the Garuda Sevai, Naachchiyaar ThirukKolam, Yaanai Vaahanam, Thiru-Ther and Theertha-Vaari are some of the highlights. The wonderful 10-day event concludes today with Dwaadasa Aradhanam and Dhwaja Avarohanam.

"According to Saasthras, there are certain parameters that determine the sanctity of a temple. Proper adherence to the Agamas, the intensity of chanting of the Vedas and Divya Prabandham, the quality and quantity of the offerings made to the Lord (Prasadhams), frequent worshipping of Acharyas, scholars and pious people, etc, are the crucial ones. The temple is considered to be right at the top of all these charts.” These are the worlds of Srimath 45th Azhagiyasingar, who is greatly devoted to Lord Srinivasa and Swami Desika here. His affinity towards our temple and the Kainkaryaparas is legendary.

Another example of the same came to the fore a couple of days ago when I had the occasion to go to the Selaiyur Mutt. After the customary enquiry regarding the well-being of the Mylaporeans, he inquired about the happenings at the temple to which I replied that the Brahmothsavam was on.

H.H.:(with the characteristic warmth that accompanies when he talks about our temple) Oh, the Uthsavam is almost over; I wasn’t aware, otherwise, I’d have come. Could I make it tomorrow evening?
Adiyen:Certainly Adiyen, it would be our great fortune. But, for the sake of protocol, I would request the Trustees of the temple to extend an invite.
H.H.:No formalities required, nor is there any need for fanfare. The temple is very close to my heart and it will be my privilege to participate. I’ll quietly come and worship the Lord.
Adiyen:Everyone will be delighted with this sudden development, Adiyen.

His spontaneity and enthusiasm in spite of his old age, health constraints and the distance, were exemplary. Of course, the Trustees, on their part, promptly fulfilled their obligation at such a short notice, by inviting the Acharya in person.

So, it was an unexpected bonus to the already surfeit divine experience when he arrived yesterday ahead of the evening procession — Ananda Nilaiya Vimaanam. For the Acharya also, it was a fulfilling journey.

Similarly, Srimath Andavan visits our temple frequently too and Srimath Parakala Mutt Swami at least once every year. Therefore, we may, without the fear of contradiction, say that our temple is the most visited by these great sages. And, their blessings keep propelling our temple to greater heights!

New Article

Close on the heel of Brahmothsavam, we have Nammazhwar Thirunakshathram falling on June 2. In Note No. 47, I had mentioned that the Articles section has been static for some time now and it would be set right soon. So, starting June 15, a series of articles entitled "Nammazhwar Snippets" by Anbil Sri Ramaswamy, will be featured in our website every month. This work of erudition throws light on the Azhwar's experience with the Primordial through his Prabandhams and I am sure it would be educative as well as enjoyable. We record our sincere thanks to the author.

There has been great response to the masking of the name of the Divyadesam in the Weekly Paasuram Quest. It came as no surprise then that the participants are thrilled that the programme has now become even more interesting and challenging. Looking forward to ever-increasing participation.

Meet you in the next Note.

எங்கள் தூப்புல் பிள்ளை பாதம் என் சென்னியதே!

Natteri P. Srihari (a) Lakshmi Narasimhacharyar

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