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Online Quiz on our Tradition for children

Trail Our Glorious Sampradaya — Junior

Dear Young-Bhagavatha,

In focus on Sri Vaishnavism in general and with special reference to Desika Sampradaya, we are bringing to you a monthly online quiz entitled 'Trail Our Glorious Sampradaya — Junior' on this website, on the 1st of every month, starting October 2008. If you are of 7 to 17 years of age you can participate in this programme.

This is being done with a view to inculcate in your impressionable young minds the basic tenets and values of our Sampradaya, so that the awareness and interest levels in matters related to our tradition are sustained for years to come. This will stand you in good stead as you grow up.

The inaugural edition of the Children's Quiz is an exclusive on Swami Desika, in commemoration of his Vaarshika Uthsavam (annual festival).

The quiz is in an easy 'Click and Match' format, and will be fun-while-learning for you. We look forward to enthusiastic and spontaneous response from you. Further, we would appreciate if you could spread the word to as many relatives and friends as you can.

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The Rules

  1. Only those who are between 7 and 17 years of age can participate.
  2. Each quiz will have a set of 10 'Click and Match' questions, with 15 options to choose from.
  3. Each correct answer carries a value of 1 point. Thus a participant can score a maximum of 10 points per quiz.
  4. The top scorers (10/10) would be provided with an e-certificate which can be accessed from the 'Your Score / Answers' page.
  5. Filling in a valid and consistent e-mail address in the entry form is mandatory.
  6. Only one submission per individual/email ID shall be entertained.
  7. The points won by a participant for a quiz will not be carried over to the next.
  8. The last date for receiving the entries with answers for a month is the 25th (midnight IST) of the same month.
  9. The correct answers and the list of the top scorers and those who scored one less in respect of each quiz, will be declared on the 1st of the subsequent month.
  10. Though this is a knowledge-enrichment programme for children, a certain degree of elders' guidance is unavoidable. Therefore the concept of prizes is left out of the scheme of things.
  11. The authorities’ decision will be final and they reserve the right to modify or discontinue the programme at any time, or to accept or reject entries at their absolute discretion without assigning any reason for the same.

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