Events in the life of Sri Ramanuja (Continued...):
“I beseech Sri Ramanuja whose great works claimed the acclaim of the Lord and adorned the Upanishads, to kindly accept my salutations.”
There is another famous Sloka which says:
Sri Ramanuja’s Acharyas:
Sri Ramanuja studied under the following five Acharyas:
Periya Nambi: Had his Samasrayanam under him, learned Suthram, the Gita and Rahasyaartha. Tirukkottiyur Nambi: Was initiated into Ashtaakshara and Charama Sloka by him. Thirumaalai Aandaan: Studied Bhagavath Vishayam. Aalavandhaar Azhwan (s/o. Yaamuna Muni): Thiruvoymozhi, Sthothras and Nal Vaarthai. Thirumalai Nambi (his own uncle): Listened to Ramayanam discourses.
The 74 Simhaasana Adhipathis:
Bhagavath Ramanuja nominated the following 74 of his disciples as Simhaasana Adhipathis:
Next in series: On October 15, 2009.